Please join us in celebration over the loss of an unforgettable man, Bruce Ford. We know that he would not want us to dwell on the sad, but remember the good. It is with this in mind that we plan to hold a special event on May 21, 2022, which will take place at Taylor Mountain Ranch, 3 pm-9 pm, food and words to be shared 4 pm-6 pm. Sundance Band 6 pm-9 pm. Put on your party clothes and let us celebrate his life in the way he would have wanted. Bring your most joyful memories as we celebrate and toast Bruce. Expect music and merriment at the celebration. Refreshments will be provided. He was a one-of-a-kind man with a huge community of friends and family and he is sorely missed by all. In order to get an accurate headcount for the caterer, please call or text 206-501-7152 to let us know if you will attend.
May 21, 2022
Guests arrive 3 pm-4 pm
Food and Words to be shared 4 pm-6 pm
Band (Sundance) 6pm-9pm
Taylor Mountain Ranch
28603 SE 204th Street
Maple Valley, WA 98038
Hosted by: Janet Ford